What if we killed all mosquitoes?
There is the deadliest thing on earth They suck your blood Red disease Killing nearly one million people each year Are we talking about vampires.
Actually none of these things we're talking about mosquitoesO mosquitoes really this deadly What would happen if they all disappeared With humanity be better off This is what it and here's what would happen if we killed all the ski does.
It may sound unusual that a little bug could beat this deadly but it's true musky does spread diseases like malaria yellow fever and the danger virus they do it by putting someone who has a particular disease and then biting you and injecting their saliva into your body.
The saliva then enters your bloodstream causing you the contract whatever virus or bacteria that the mosquito picked up
And it's not just humans the effect either animals and farm livestock all around the world suffered greatly from mosquitoes just a single blade can be fatal
So we get rid of these bugs.
Well first we have to figure out exactly how many mosquitoes there are in the world that's incredibly difficult to find out it's estimated that there seven trillion of the Alaska alone yeah that's right Alaska due to global warming and ocean temperatures rising mosquitoes can live in places like this and around the world there are trillions of other mosquitoes there's a number of ways we could get rid of them fancy Myskina's without any risks they can eight six hundred mosquitoes in an hour so if we had enough bad in theory they could effectively white boats musky does all around the world but then how would we get rid of the billions of bats in the sky.
Okay maybe that's not the best idea another thing we need to understand is how the skittles reproduce you may think they're sucking our blood because we taste good and they're hungry but instead of feeding themselves they're actually doing it for their larvae So if we somehow got rid of all our blood and Yeah that's not gonna work either.
Instead of these options we may need to release genetically modified male mosquitoes Don't bite and can only produce sterile offspring it could take several decades but with enough of our genetically modified mosquitoes producing sterile offspring mosquitoes would eventually be eradicated.
So now that they're gone what would happen next Well millions of people wouldn't be getting sick and dying each year.
You could enjoy being outside in the summer without any fear of being bitten and animals would be much safer as well that's right not many bad things would happen if we got rid of all the mosquitoes.
What about the circle of life and all thatDon't miss skills contribute to the food chain.
Some birds bats and frogs eat quite a lot of mosquitoes but they're still not a hugely significant part of other creatures diets and these animals will survive without whiskey does and although mosquitoes do pollinate plants it's not significant enough to justify keeping the species alive But still is getting rid of mosquitoes the right thing to do.
After all we would be rid of an entire species We should keep in mind that there are thousands of different species of mosquitoes but only six of them fight us and spread disease.
Not only that but there are some theories that mosquitoes
May help to protect the Amazon rainforest that's because they're so deadly and annoying to the people trying to cut down the rainforest that at times the bugs actually prevent them from doing so.
Yeah let's be real for a second the human population is growing incredibly fast Maybe mosquitoes are helping us to keep our population in check Wait what am I saying this would most definitely be a good thing there would be less disease fewer people dying And Very few negative consequences But what if instead of mosquitoes getting wiped out half of earth's population did in an instant.
Well that sounds like a story for another what if.