What happens if you eat 4 almonds a day

What happens if you eat 4 almonds a day

 Eat four almonds every game and see what happens.

 All men seven popular in the diets of ancient Indians and Egyptians.

 This night is a very healthy snack is it contains many minerals and vitamins that you need they're rich in magnesium vitamin B. protein and amino acids.

All you need to do is just eat for almonds a day your body will transform in an amazing way in almost no time here are the eight most significant health benefits of eating almonds did you know that almonds can even prevent some types of cancer watch till the end to see how.

 help you lose weight Almonds are very beneficial when it comes to losing weight despite their high calorie content almonds are rich in fiber protein and a healthy to have a fact according to a recent study almonds reduce hunger and desire to eat later in the day so eating almonds is an easy way to reduce your overall calorie intake also the vitamin B. that almonds contain keep your metabolism healthy.

To boost your brain activity Almonds are the source of many nutrients that help in the development of the brain almonds contained amino acids and oils which up your brain maintain concentration arithmetic medicine believes that almonds are capable of increasing intellectual ability and longevity also almonds minimize stress can reduce the risk of insomnia almonds are especially rich in phosphorous which improves your brain power and I said.

 Three skin care As we've learned already almonds contain vitamin E. being one of the most powerful anti oxidants almonds prevent the cells of your body against premature aging eating for almonds a day allows your skin to stay soft and elastic as these notes boost the production of natural collagen in your body For reduce heart attack risk A recent study has shown that those who consume almonds five times a week have a fifty percent last chance to get a heart attack.

 A significant amount of vitamin E. found in these notes reduces the risk of heart disease almonds also help reduce the C. reactive protein which usually causes damage to the ardor as you can see there are many nutrients and almonds that are beneficial to your heart health.

make your bones strong Almonds are a source of calcium which prevents osteoporosis and strengthens your bones and muscles also these notes contain magnesium and potassium which are essential for healthy bones as well the habit of eating almonds everyday also can help you increase bone mineral density that strengthens your skeletal system.

 lower bad cholesterol Almonds are an excellent source of mono unsaturated fats and some poly unsaturated fats that help reduce bad cholesterol according to studies eating a half a Cup of almonds everyday can lower bad cholesterol by eight to twelve percent however if you just need a few not today it'll reduce bad cholesterol in your body as well.

 help feel better during pregnancy In case you're pregnant you should eat a few almonds everyday as my to many is necessary for a woman during the pregnancy.

These notes are very beneficial for both a woman and her baby especially when the fetus is developing slower than normal Reduce the risk of cancer.

American biochemist and win crabs put forward the theory that cancer is a disease of vitamin deficiency more precisely according to him cancer is caused by a deficiency of certain B. vitamins almonds are an excellent source of vitamin B. and flavonoids that lessen the risk of breast cancer also these notes are rich in Bora which helps prevent prostate cancer.

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